Saturday, November 24, 2012


Last night I couldn't see right again, I had all vision? problems with the dots and the skewed right side.  The mornings are better, but my sinuses feel like they're exploding in my brain.  The ER docs did do a CT scan on my sinuses, but didn't find anything horrible.  This morning I was feeling HORRIBLY sick, when Ken came in with sinus meds and caffeine pills, plus tea and toast.  My head just has a light, dull ache right now.  I'll take it.  I can focus and type, and even see what I'm typing.  Nice change!

I might've been confusing yesterday.  I went to the ER and had CT scans on my head, but they couldn't tell anything because I need MRIs.  I'm still waiting to get those scheduled.  The folks at Penn ER were nicer than any other ER folks I've encountered thus far, and I was grateful.  Heck, right now I'm thrilled just because my head isn't pounding out of my skull.

The CT scan indicated that I might have cancer in my skull again, speaking of skulls.  My guess is they found the healed skull lesions from former bone cancer.  But, just a guess.   I'm scared when I feel sick like this, and even worse, it makes me completely miserable when Jonah sees it.  So I'm also grateful to Donna for sending her son over to get Jonah for play now, and to Joe and Debbie for inviting him later.  On that note, I'm especially grateful Jonah has so many good friends with wonderful parents.  You're all helping me raise him, and even when I can't be a full-time mom you make me feel like one.  Thank you.

I'm not sure what else to do right now when the headache is under control.  My choice would be to talk to Renee, but I'd have to seriously limit that.  Renee and I are not good at limiting talking!  I can't read or play computer games.  I'd love to take a shower, but Ken said he'd clean the bathroom for me.  If I get in there I'll want to clean it.  Especially now that I can handle the cleaner (I had to stop using chlorine cleaners).  There's nothing on tv and Jason is the only kid home.  I don't think he'd want to hang out with me right now, he's still in his room. So, dare I say it, I'm actually a bit ... bored!  I'm never bored. 

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