Sunday, March 29, 2009

So tired

This one has knocked me out. At least I can sleep! That's a big improvement over the last treatment. I hosted Jason's book club meeting today, and it turned out to be the shortest book club meeting in history. I must not have looked up to the task. Was I? I have no idea. I love those boys, though. They can hang out here whenever.

Besides that, I made it through a trip to Best Buy, and strugggled through a one-mile walk with Ken. I've slept every other moment. Sigh. Trying to get in all the water. Four bottles a day doesn't seem like much, but my body seems to think it doesn't want it. Even with the Emend and Zofran, I have a tiny drop of nausea.

Thanks and kudos to Civia for administering the neulasta shot last night. I didn't even feel it! And I don't know whether it's because of the Claritin or just because, but I have no bone pain at all. Now to make sure the shot works, and my white blood count doesn't drop again. I really don't expect that same trouble. Being able to sleep should make a huge difference.

I'm more than half bald now, which is, comparatively, a good thing. That buzz with all the loose hair was so itchy, especially under the wig. I'm a fidgety person on any given day, and I couldn't stop picking at the loose hair. It's much better now.

Wish me luck. Ken is leaving for Vegas early tomorrow morning, and I'll have to manage. My mom is coming tomorrow for the day, and Jill is coming Tuesday. This might just be crazy, but I've accepted a subbing assignment for Wednesday! The doctors want me to get out there and continue to be part of the world. I'll give it a shot! Ken will be home late Thursday night.

Well, time to go see if I can eat something.

1 comment:

MJ said...

I wish you luck with your single status for the next few days. If you need anything in the evening, please don't hesitate to call me. My kids sports schedules are crazy these days so I haven't had a chance to get over and see you. It should be a little better this week.
You're doing great! Sleep if you need it. That is the best thing for you.