Monday, March 16, 2009

Sick of me, yet?

I'm so tired of being tired, and I'm tired of kvetching. Every time I take a step forward, something knocks me back.

I didn't sleep again on Saturday night, so I know I need to rely on the sleeping pills for now. On the other hand, it was just as well, with the nosebleed that started, and settled into a nasal drip that lasted the entire day yesterday and into the night. By last night my glands were swollen and I had a fever, but luckily not the 100.4 fever required before I have to drag my ass back to Penn.

Other symptoms are definitely/finally dissipating. I can feel my tongue a bit now, and my stomach feels settled. I didn't take a single nausea or stomach pill yesterday. I think if I didn't have this nasal issue I'd feel pretty normal (it feels like I have a cold that involves a constant burning feeling in my nose). I'm going to get my blood levels checked this morning. That will be a big step, and should lead to some answers. I bet my blood count is somewhat low. Let's just hope it's not too low, or I will end up in the hospital. Everything is about not ending up in the hospital.

The purple is almost entirely washed out of my hair. It's okay. I'm not yet feeling like I'm losing any hair, anywhere. I'm not even finding an increased number of hairs coming out during a shower. I don't have any of the pre-loss sensations (either tingling, or the feeling of a too-tight ponytail). I wonder if I would've lost it this week. It's still better to be proactive.

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