Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Days 4 and 5 (I think!)

Was Friday Day 0 or Day 1? I'm still confused.

I'll start with Monday night, because I somehow dragged myself out of here and went to a "Look Good, Feel Better" workshop. This is separate from, but connected to, the American Cancer Society. It was a seminar on how to put on makeup during chemo, and they gave advice about tying scarves and such. It appears that if you get cancer you are entitled to $200 of free makeup. Good stuff! Chanel, Bobbi Brown, Estee Lauder, Mary Kay ... I wish I wasn't too tired to appreciate it. The woman who ran it asked about my hair. She said I don't look like I'd have purple hair. Ya think? Oh, Jill took me to the seminar. Thanks, Jill!

Yesterday may have been the strangest sick day of my life. I couldn't really do anything, but I did 5 loads of laundry, the dishes, and some vacuuming. It seemed I couldn't sit still, either. I was kind of jumping out of my skin, forcing myself to eat tasteless food, trying to keep drinking water, which also tastes bad. My dogs had an adventure: they were in the yard, and after awhile I heard Rudy whining at the front door. Never a good sign. So I let him in, but where was Molly? She never leaves Rudy. So I went to the back door, but when I saw the massive shredded rabbit in the yard I backed away from the door. Out the front door, I called for Molly and she didn't come, or even bark. So, I feared, this would be the day I'd finally find my dog lying in Union Mill Road. I ran up there calling (and you know I was in my ugliest pajamas), but thank G-d she wasn't there. Finally I talked myself into revisiting the back door. Yup, there she was, waiting happily to rejoin our house. Ken took care of the rabbit after Jason and Anthony inspected it for awhile.

Last night I didn't sleep again. I don't know why I can only seem to sleep for about 30 minutes at a time all the sudden, but it's not good. If I could sleep, I could miss all this chemo stuff, but no. I get to experience it at 4 am, 4:20 am, etc. But today I got my van to the dealer, where they fixed the door ... drumroll ... for free! My power door is now working! Yay! One less stress. I did get some napping in today, and I got to be Civia's daughter's "special person" at Adath. I may feel a little better, but it'd be easier to tell if I'd slept last night.

My refrigerator stinks. Ken cleaned it, and it still stinks. I guess everything stinks. Yeah, I think that's it! Except you guys, of course. Thank you for your kind notes, and wonderful dinners, etc. Ira, I almost called you at 4 am. Hugh, just keep updating Sophie pictures! And Anita, do you read this? I don't know if you read this, but I have to call attention to the fact that every single week when I get your card in the mail I have a nice little giggle. I love you! And of course, Barb ... you ROCK!


Anonymous said...

Wabbit season in the back yard, eh? :)

Jill said...

Those are some dumb bunnies who haven't yet figured out to avoid your yard.

I've been thinking about this. If Rudy is capable of figuring out how to open the back gate, coming around to the front of the house and essentially ringing the doorbell, maybe you could send him to look for Molly? Or is it that he only demonstrates his intelligence when he chooses, not on command?

Michelle Friedman said...

Jill, Rudy knows how to open the back door to let himself into the house, but he never holds it open for Molly. Ya just can't teach consideration these days.