Yesterday afternoon I checked and it was 99.3. So I took a couple Tylenol and a two-hour nap, and when I woke up it was down to 97.3, which is about normal for me. Good! But to be safe, I didn't go out to Allison's birthday dinner. We all had cake together later, and it was fine, I guess. Today I slept really late, and woke up when Jonah whispered that Barb was downstairs cleaning the kitchen. Thanks, Barb! I'm hoping I'll stay okay. I'm being careful and trying hard, and sometimes not breaking my stride and being a warrior, and whatever other applicable "bad" '80s tunes, might mean sitting on my ass typing on the computer.
Last night I flat ironed my hair for the last time for a long time. When I was finished, I was surrounded by hair. Uh oh! It's not coming out in clumps, but it's coming out. Jonah just left for school, and I'm sitting here trying to decide how brave I am. I always said I would cut it first myself. But will I? Will a glass of wine strengthen my resolve? Should I really just put it in a ponytail and cut the whole thing at once? Or should I try to make it nice? Or should I wait until the last moment (tomorrow at this time)? Or should I just make an appointment with my hairdresser for tonight and let her do it? Nah, that's no fun. Plus, she can always fix it later if I can't live with it for 24 hours. Sheesh. Twenty-four hours. I don't even know if I'll leave the house in that amount of time. What's the big deal? I should just go cut it. Chop it. Maybe if I cut one big clump, then I'll have to keep going. My head is itching. It's almost like my scalp is whispering a message. "Hello, Michelle. I don't want hair anymore. I want to be free." Poor scalp, getting a wig so soon. How much longer can I make this paragraph? When the paragraph is over, I have to make a decision. What do you think you would do? Obviously I won't be able to rely on your advice, but it could make for some interesting comments. I'm running out of reasons to extend this.
Maybe later I'll have a picture to post. I promise that if I really do hack it off, I will post the picture even if it looks horrible. Wish me luck!
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1 comment:
You are much braver than me. I would never cut off my own hair. If it were up to me, I would go to the hairdresser and let her do it. But I am going to say to you, just do it. It is your hair, you get to have control of it. You can always get it fixed later. So, grab those scissors. You know you want to.
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