Saturday, March 28, 2009

Alright, I'll write!

Whew! Number two is over! Jill and I did get our shamrock shakes, with fries. Jill you're a baaad influence. But what the hey, I never eat like that. That shake was totally worth it, and so were the fries.

The hospital visit was long. I waited 20 minutes to get my labs, then it took 25 minutes, at least to check them. Don't know why it was running so slow. I didn't see Dr. Fox because poor guy is at Megan's Bay or Coki Point at St. Thomas. Those gorgeous beaches might hurt his eyes, poor thing. I spent time with Sara the NP, and that was fine. She agreed to add Attivan to my IV, which was nice. Benedryl and Attivan ... obviously I would not have been able to drive home!

The nurse who came to give me the IV started off by noticing all the places I'd already been poked and thought my veins must be bad. Then she inspected closer and saw all the previous mistakes. The veins are good, she insisted after that. I got all the drips, and I must've drifted in and out of sleep or something, because time passed quickly. However, during that 10-minute time period when I'm in danger of an allergic reaction to the taxotere, it happened. I didn't have the serious stop-breathing-turning-red reaction. Instead I had horrible hip and lower back pain. Nothing like I've ever experienced. Different (and not as bad) as the kidney stone or labor, but my pain level shot straight up to 7. That earned me an extra half hour of drip. They took off the taxotere and pumped me with more steroids before trying again. That time it went well, and the whole rest of the treatment went smoothly.

It's nice that up in the chemo suite there is always a basket of items donated by organizations for us to take. My first visit, I took a hat, and yesterday I chose two scarves. I'm about half bald now, very splotchy and weird looking. But I actually enjoy being home alone and able to wander around the house with nothing on my head.

Last night when we got back, Jill, Ken and I went for a 2-mile walk, I think that's the main reason I feel good now. With the ambien, I slept okay.

Okay, back to chemo. I have a whole bunch of meds to take this morning, though I feel fine (well, my tongue is starting to get numb), and then later Civia is coming to give me my neulasta shot. So far this is already better than last time. Let's hope for the best! I want to go back to subbing.


Steph said...

{{{{{Michelle}}}}} I'm glad the 2nd round went better. And you're one more closer to being done.
I got lunch for the kids and thought of you when I saw the shamrock shake :)

Jill said...

Yes, it's true. You would never touch junk food if it weren't for me. :)

Jennie Marie Petrini said...

Wow. Thank you for sharing your courage, strength and hope! You look so bright, shiny, happy and healthy in your photos. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm ... Shamrock Shake!