Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have to be at the hospital at 6 am. People keep calling me brave, but I'm terrified. About everything. I'm sorry, I know I'm supposed to be strong. I don't mean to let anyone down, but it seems wrong that everyone who gets cancer suddenly gets the word "courageous" attached. Look at this week's cover of People with Patrick Swayze. I'm not courageous, I'm barely able to manage a date change without a nervous breakdown. Fighting to stay alive is nothing more than a human instinct, and I guess parents of young children have more reason to fight than most anyone else. I'll dump the "tatas" (yucky word), not because I'm brave, but because I love the world and I want to see how my kids turn out. I want to be there every step of their way, telling them what to do even when they don't listen. I'm simply the type of person who doesn't like to miss anything. If I can't hear something I repeat, "What? What?" until I annoy someone enough that they let me know what I wasn't paying attention to the first time around.

I guess I won't really run away, though. What is it they say? I'm great at messing up expressions, but I think I have to put on my big girl pants and deal with it. Is that right?


Steph said...

Good luck today. I'm upset with myself that I didn't check with this recently to know it was coming today.
I will be thinking of you.

Marcie said...


I'm thinking of you and I wish I could be there to hold your hand! Love you! xoxo

Jill said...

I don't know who is checking this blog, but I thought I would update here for people who want info. Michelle had her surgery yesterday, and both the removal and reconstruction parts of it went very well. She spent the day today sleeping and recovering in her room. She is due to come home from the hospital on Sunday.

Hugh said...

Great, thanks for the update, Jill.

And Shelley, when you get back to reading this, I think you're automatically brave because you're forced to face it. Most folks aren't willing or able to do that. Look at all of the distractions in the world, and excuses, and... well... religions that are crafted because people can't look it straight in the eye. But you have to do that in order to fight it, and that's admirable.

You'd be weird if you weren't afraid. But carrying on despite your fear is what makes you brave. :)