Saturday, January 24, 2009

hello from the other side

I'm awake, sitting in a chair, so big improvement!

The surgery went okay, as much as I don't remember a moment of it. I needed two transfusions, which was unexpected, but it turned out okay. And I have some worrisome bruising, but Dr. Wu assures me I don't need to REALLY worry. I might have some scarring. Well, gee, that's unfamiliar! Dr. Czerniecki thought his part of the surgery went really well, but he laughed at me for making him wear and Eagles surgical cap just three days after the team blew it. It turns out he's not much of a football fan, but he would've liked a Flyers or Sixers cap.

I felt awful Thursday and Friday, and today I woke up sort of hungry. I'm definitely a bit better. I went for a walk in the hallway, and I can get up from and sit down in the chair without too much effort. There's a lot about surgery that's really gross. I'm impressed that there are so many nurses out there who choose to deal with it. Speaking of gross, I looked at my chest today. I cried a bit, but it'll be okay, too. Actually, you can already tell the shape is nicer than it was.

Dr. Wu gave me the option to stay until Monday instead of going home tomorrow, and I jumped at that. I am afraid of having non-professionals taking care of me, and of going up the steps, etc. One more day here ought to make a difference. I'm glad to have the choice to stay.

My voice is still a bit sore for talking. Everyone is here now, Jonah is drawing me pictures. Thanks for all the calls, well wishes and support.


1 comment:

Jill said...

Good to see you post here again! Dr. C wore the cap. Maybe one of his other patients is a diehard sixers or flyers fan (and has a sibling with a paypal account). I'll be by again tomorrow -- I'll call first, so think about any items, food or otherwise, you might want there.