Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I have to write in my blog now and get everything clear.  Please bear with me because my typing is terrible, and my thoughts are not only scattered, I can’t even count on their veracity.
For weeks in February I had been feeling physically and physicallly  worse.  I felt nauseaus and I couldn’t sleep.  I kept losing my balance.  But I thought I was rolling along alright.  Until Tuesday, March 10, a date I may never fully remember.  I found myelf  at Penn’s hospital in an ambulance and it took a lot of discussions with friends to discover how that had happened.  Barb, MJ, and, Jill were there, but I was sure I was alone.  I spoke incoherently if I answered questions at all.  A team of surgeons kept repeating that they were going to do a small procedure on me, but it didn’t make sense to me.  My parents would have to give their permission.  Finally I let the drugs take control of my body.

After I woke up I was able to gather more information about what had led to that situation.  My cancer, as you may know, is a distant metastisis to my liver.  I almost died the first time it spread because when the liver stops working, it stops.  This time, Dr. Fox was armed with a stent he could try, but it was pretty new and he wasn’t entirely comfortable.  It was really my only chance, though.  If the stent hadn’t worked he could’ve tried it one more time, and then my life would’ve painfully ended within weeks.  Thank G-d the first stent worked and my bili rubin isn’t far from normal.  I still spent a week in the hospital and worried myself and my family, but now I’m actually back on chemo, which is a great thing even thought it’s my least favorite kind. 

 So I still can’t get over how you come running to help the minute I need it.  I hope to be doing much better soon, but I’m not allowed to drive and my walking is so wobbly, I’m renting a wheel chair for now.  What help will I need?  Well, Ken is traveling a lot for his new job and I don’t know if I’ll always be able get a ride for Jonah to baseball.  It’s things like that.  I do need my boys to have these rides available.  If you’re interested in participating, could you send me an email or an fb message or something?  Then I’ll know who to call if I need something.