Friday, April 3, 2009

What a week

The good news is, this treatment is still easier than the first. I guess just because I'm better able to anticipate the side effects, and also because I've been taking walks everyday. The general fact that April is easier than March might be affecting how I feel. I made it through the work day on Wednesday with no trouble just because it was my easiest subbing day ever (3 very sweet, self-contained 6th graders with two aides), but I still felt tired. When I left my stomach was upset, so I was glad to get home.

Yesterday. Not a good day. First, I had no appetite (still don't), and then after I got my kids home from the dentist we found that our cat, Brodi, had passed away on the laundry room floor, right next to her litter box. Ken and I adopted Brodi after returning to LA from our honeymoon, almost 16 years ago. He had gone to Petco to pick up food for our dog, and a cat rescue group was sponsoring an event. Ken fell instantly in love with Brodi, made me follow him back to the store to see her. She just looked like a cute little tabby kitten to me, but he was so enthusiastic I couldn't refuse. She was 10 weeks old at the time. She went through the Northridge Earthquake (not very well, but she went through it), moved to the East Coast with us, watched all three kids grow from nothing, suffered the indignities of living with not one, but two puppies who were larger than she, and in the end she just loved her sun spots in the dining room. She hadn't been doing well lately, we knew this was coming. Yesterday she was so wobbly, I wanted to do something for her, to give her peace. She took care of it herself, but I wish it had happened while we were home. Allison is particularly sad. We're going to have a funeral later today and bury her on the side of our house (where she always reappeared after her annual April walkabouts).

After that it doesn't make sense to write about much else. Let's hope for good baseball weather for this weekend, and let's hope Jonah likes the JCC Camp in Medford, where I'm hoping he'll go this summer.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're doing better. Sorry about Brodi. Pets are family, as far as I'm concerned, and you've had her forever. She lived a long and good life, though.

jglassmom said...

Hi Michelle - I didn't even realize Ken was away this week and you were on your own. I am sorry I didn't keep in touch better. Hope you are still feeling okay. I am amazed by you! Working, taking care of your family, exercising. You should be proud of yourself. I am looking forward to seeing everyone of the 11th. It will be a fun get together.