Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Again

I am so tired, but I don't know if it's strictly from radiation, or if it's because somehow this summer seems busier than every other summer. I could barely finish a two-mile walk last night, and usually I can walk at least three miles without giving it a second thought. I hope it's just the radiation. I'm also having intermittent throbbing pain in one area, enough that I asked to see Dr. Komarnicky yesterday. She said everything looks and feels right, and some people just get this. She recommended Advil. Okay.

Going there everyday is an adventure. I drive like a bitch. I finally got a "cancer sucks" ribbon for my back bumper. Fits my mood precisely. I have been in a foul mood. I've been trying not to bother anyone with it, but I lose it on Route 38. East, west, east west. Yesterday Ken took the day off and drove, and I thought that would help ... no, I just backseat drove the whole time. Today I wore my wig to my treatment (did an in-person resume drop later in the afternoon) and the parking guys didn't seem to recognize me. They were really busy, anyway, and their system stinks. I was late for my appointment because I couldn't get a ticket stub. The receptionists made a big fuss over me with hair, but I think people generally look at me differently when I wear the wig. I think something about me comes across as fake, even though the wig looks so much like hair. It's strange.

Anyway, I have to take Jonah to his first football practice in a minute (boy, is he excited!), so here are two pictures for this week. I think I could call myself a not-quite-bald person now!


Anonymous said...

Jonah's playing football? Outstanding!

Barb A said...

The short hair really shows off those big brown eye's....just beautiful

Civia said...

You look great!