Saturday, June 13, 2009

I thought I had nothing to say

I don't have anything to say. Yes I do.

GET A FREAKING MAMMOGRAM. You know who you are.

I think I'm going to do a Relay for Life survivor lap today, but I'm not sure if I'll have time.

I'm dieting to get back into my clothes. Right now they hurt, and I can't afford new clothes! It's a shame, because I think I actually look a little better at this weight. I guess I only need to lose 4-5 pounds, at least.

Sugar doesn't taste right, still. Of all things to get screwed up. My legs hurt, and I can't figure that out at all. Why would my LEGS suddenly start to hurt? I'm afraid to find out.

I'm back on the Zoloft. I couldn't wean myself. I'll need medical assistance for it. In the meantime, I'm completely out of whack. If I see you and I burst into tears, just ignore me. Same if you're standing outside my house and you hear me shouting. And if I apologize for nothing ... same thing. I need a couple weeks to get it worked out, I guess.

Sweat-cold-sweat-cold-sweat-cold ... that could also have something to do with my mood. And applying for jobs and never hearing anything. Depressing.

I ran into one of my fifth grade students from the 07-08 school year last night at the market. I was so pleased to see her! I'd just been thinking about her a few days before. And she's just the same, so funny and sweet. She was dancing and chasing a ball near the deli section, and she and her mom stopped to chat with me. But after I walked away I realized what I must've looked like to her. I was just wearing a hat (I wear a hat to the market) and I happened to be wearing a pink ribbon shirt, plus the pink rubber bracelet I always wear. I was a walking breast cancer advertisement. I was so glad I'd seen her until I realized that.

On the flip side, a funny: last Sunday Ken put on his high school football jersey, and it looked ridiculous. So I pulled my majorette uniform out of the closet and put it on, and I was so pleased it still fit. So I went to the mirror to look at myself in it, and started cracking up ... I was BALD! I had completely forgotten. I couldn't stop laughing. I should do that again and have him take a picture. It is funny.

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